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I believe that it’s every woman’s birthright to have their life feel like the ultimate climax: vibrant, sexy and alive!

The trifecta of intimacy:

I help women embody their feminine through the 3 foundational pillars of reconnecting to herself, her relationships and her career: emotionally, spiritually and sexually.


To reclaim her authentic sexy by better understanding the magic of her body, how to pleasure herself, embody true confidence instead of hiding behind a facade or “strategetic” version of herself, and let go of old narratives around sex and body shame, and connecting with yourself emotionally, spiritually, physically and sexually.


To create a deeper emotional connection, with play, spontaneity, and collaboration with your partner. Having a better understanding of attachment styles, love languages and healthy communication so you can live in harmony, with solid boundaries and an unwavering commitment to the integrity of the relationship and each other. Feeling sexually fulfilled, desired, sexy lit up and turned on! 



To be in tune with your natural cycles for more energy, productivity, creativity and money. A deep sense of inner safety, security and worthiness. Knowing when to flow forward and when to indulge in rest by honouring your body’s natural rhythms. 

Most women come to me in the space of:

✔ She craves more confidence in her body and her ability to speak up and ask for what she needs so she can experience more pleasure and connection with herself and her partner.

✔ She’s driven, goal-oriented and successful, but her sex life is diminishing and the bond between her and her partner feels more like business partners or roommates.

✔ She’d love to meet her dream partner but she’s also really good at being single and questions if she’ll ever meet a man she’ll really want to be with.

✔ She desires more peace, stillness, ease and flow but her day is always go go go, saying yes to all when really wanting to say no. 

✔ She wants to LOVE sex and not feel like it is her duty or obligation.

✔ She loves her partner but doesn’t always feel seen, heard or accepted by them and can feel a level of disconnection as she holds parts of herself back.

✔ She’s always thinking, planning and living in her head. Her body yearning to be felt, turned on and held.

The number 1 question I’m asked is “how the heck did you get into this!?”

Jessica Mowforth, Holistic Intimacy Coach, Award Winning Speaker


Growing up and into adulhood I had 3 damaging patterns that kept showing up: attracting emotionally unavailable people, shame around body image, and constantly questioning my self-worth. My dad, very much in his wounded masculine, raised me “hard” because he believed that would protect me. I witnessed my mom disempowered in who she was, not chasing her dreams and never confident with her body or her self-worth. 

I experienced two experiences that forever shaped my life and eventually led me to my purpose work. Rape was my first sexual experience, in High School. The second time I was assaulted was by someone trusted in a Tantra program in my late 20’s (watch my viral talk here, where I talk about how I chose forgiveness and set myself free.)

Over the span of those 14 years, I found myself in disastrous relationships, being cheated on, having abandonment and relational fears and living from a very curated version of myself.

THE defining MOMENT: 

As much as I was not to be blamed for what had happened, I recognized the common denominator in all this was ME. Which meant I got to choose what to do next. I had to acknowledge where I was disconnected from my authentic truth, living behind a strategic version of myself that was attracting toxic partners. 

My own sexual trauma ignited my path to sexual empowerment + liberation.

When I spoke at a large conference, there was a 72-year-old women who heard my story and had confided in me about her 5 marriages and sexual assault by her uncle and father. By the end of hearing my story, she told me she was finally able to find forgiveness and open her heart up to her current husband. This was the moment that I knew this was the work I was meant to be doing!


I would never want to change anything I’ve gone through because ALL my experiences made me who I am today. I believe life happens FOR you, not TO you. My work is about shining the truth on FEMININITY + INTIMACY + CONFIDENCE: being deeply connected to yourself spiritually, emotionally, physically and sexually. 

Hating my body, feeling alone even in a relationship, rejecting my divine feminine flow, not understanding my pleasure, witnessing my parent’s dysfunctional marriage, and feeling withheld sexually in relationships. It’s crushing, it’s lonely, I’ve been there. 

It’s not the way I choose to live my life, and I want women to know they can choose the other side as well. 

In my private coaching, I help women to step into their magnetic radiance and bring them back into alignment with their authentic self, so they can create the boundaries needed to feel safe and supported in their full self-expression (whether she is single or in a relationship). 

Jessica Mowforth, Holistic Intimacy Coach, Award Winning Speaker

True intimacy means being real, raw and connected to yourself first. 

Femininity – Intimacy – Confidence – Communication – Relationship – Sex

Our experiences, our traumas and our society have told us who we have to be in order to be loved. Reconnecting to your own inner-intimacy brings you back to YOUR truth.

Are you ready to start living from that place?

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Please note I am NOT a Doctor and do not intend to treat, cure, or prevent any ailments. Any application of the information on my page is at your discretion. It is not intended to replace medical advice but compliment your health routine. I am speaking to what has worked in my experience. Enjoy responsibly!